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Havana Kiwanis Club seeks nominees for “Volunteer of the Year” award

Do you know someone in the Havana community who is a volunteer in the true sense of the word? A person who makes a difference in our community by freely taking part in civic, religious or school endeavors that help others? Well, you have that opportunity to recognize someone as the 2018 Kiwanis Volunteer of the Year. The honor is bestowed each year by the Havana Kiwanis Club. Simply fill out a nominee form, available at the Havana Municipal Building or the Havana Police Dept., and a detailed description of the nominee’s accomplishments. Then submit the form and accompanying information back to the Havana Municipal Building or the Havana Police Department. Kiwanis club members will thoroughly review the nominees and make their selection. The Kiwanis Club will recognize the Volunteer of the Year on Thursday, October 4, at its annual banquet and announce it the following week in The Herald. For more information, contact Shann Nichols at 229-344-1217.

By Nick Bert
Special to The Herald