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A message from Superintendent Roger Milton to Gadsden County’s class of 2018

Dear Graduating Seniors,

It gives me great pleasure and pride to once again offer congratulations to the graduating seniors of Gadsden County Schools for a job well done! Over 12 years ago, you began a journey and possibly had no idea where it would take you. When you walk across that stage and receive your diploma, you will no doubt have similar ambivalent feelings about what lies ahead. You know that you have something planned, but, may not be sure as to where it will lead you. As you begin another chapter in your life, enjoy the ride just as you probably did throughout your elementary and secondary school years. Remember, as your teachers and administrators probably said to you, trust your instincts and make wise choices.

The road that lies ahead of you will make for a bumpy ride and present some of the same challenges that you experienced throughout your years of schooling. Reflect on what worked, what did not work, as well as, apply your learning and skills to those challenges that you will face. Leave behind what was not useful and take with you the lessons that will make your experiences meaningful and fruitful as you journey ahead. I praise you for your achievement, wish you the very best in whatever you venture to do and in what life brings you in the future.

I am reminded of a quote, by Pope John XXIII, that I think is good advice for you. He said, “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” Again, congratulations and may you continue to be blessed as you travel the road ahead.

Special to The Herald