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Alzheimer’s group having class at Quincy library

The Alzheimer’s Project Inc. is holding educational classes for the public at the William McGill Library (732 S. Pat Thomas Parkway) in Quincy during the next few months.

The next class, “Memory Problems: What You Can Do, Part 1” will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27.

This class focuses on normal aging and mild cognitive impairment.

In the class description, the Alzheimer’s Project states: “There are many things that can be done to improve memory at all stages of life. In this class we will discuss things that can be done to keep minds active such as memory strategies, memory aids and healthy lifestyle choices.”

The classes are sponsored by The Literacy Center Inc. T

he classes are free and open to the public.

For more information, visit www.alzheimers or call The Literacy Center Inc. at (850) 662-3329.

Special to The Herald