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County teachers eligible for free forestry tours

Through the Florida Forestry Teachers’ Tour, Gadsden County teachers (especially science teachers) may be eligible for a free, four-day forestry tour on Florida’s northeast coast in June.

The tour gives the Florida Forest Service and Florida’s forest industry the opportunity to share its story with educators from around the state.

The purpose of the tour is to help teachers gain an understanding of the principles of forest activities that demonstrate how sustainability is the key to responsible management of both public and private forests.

Ultimately, it is hoped that teachers will carry the information and insights they learn in this hands-on experience back to the classroom by incorporating them into their curriculums during the next school year.
This year’s tour will take place June 19-22, based out of Fernandina Beach.

You can visit for more information.

Participating teachers will earn 30 continuing education credits — experiencing all aspects of forestry practices, from tree planting and growing processes, to the mills and end products that we all use every day.

The event — including materials, lodging, meals and transport from the hotel to tour sites in and around Fernandina Beach — is fully paid for by sponsors.

The only cost to those attending is the cost of getting to and from Fernandina Beach.

Since participation is limited to 45 educators each year, you must apply by March 8 to be considered!

Historically, Gadsden County has not been well-represented on these tours, but organizers would like that to change during this year.

Applications are still available, so, if you’re interested, visit the site mentioned above to apply.

Special to The Herald