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Havana Garden Club announces September Yards of the Month

On Monday, August 31, the Havana Garden Club announced the club’s Residential Yard of the Month and Commercial Yard of the Month for September.

The September residential Yard of the Month (announced by the Havana Garden Club) belongs to Howard and Elaine McKinnon.

Throughout September, Howard and Elaine McKinnon will be recognized as the club’s recipients for the residential award, while the Havana First Baptist Church will be the commercial recipient.

The McKinnon family’s lawn was selected for, what club members called an “immaculately kept” yard.

“The blooming Natchez Crepe Myrtles and yellow Lantana gave a pop of color to the neatly trimmed shrubs and lawn,” writes Garden Club Yard of the Month Committee Chairwoman Dianne Croley. “In the side yard [there] is a cozy patio with a fire pit just waiting for a cool fall evening.”

The September commercial Yard of the Month (announced by the Havana Garden Club) belongs to Havana’s First Baptist Church.

The commercial yard of the month award was presented to the First Baptist Church, which is located at 116 East 6th Avenue, in Havana.

“In front of the church are two colorful beds of pink and white knock out roses, encore azaleas and impatiens all in full bloom,” writes Croley. “They are sure to bring cheer to the hearts of any passers by.”

Signage recognizing the McKinnon’s residential lawn and the church’s commercial lawn have been placed on the two properties.

The Havana Garden Club’s Yard of the Month committee appreciates all of the calls with nominations and are attempting to look into every yard that has been nominated.

Any yard in the 32333 zip code is eligible. To nominate your neighbor or yourself, please call Dianne Croley and (850) 539-8191.

Ashley Hunter –
Photos Courtesy of the Havana Garden Club