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Havana Garden Club announces Yards of the Month

On Tuesday, Aug. 4, the Havana Garden Club announced the club’s Residential Yard of the Month and Commercial Yard of the Month for August.

The August Residential Yard of the Month belongs to Bill and Nancy Johnson. The couple has lived in Havana for six years and enjoy learning how to cultivate a beautiful garden and lawn in the North Florida climate.

Throughout August, Bill and Nancy Johnson will be recognized as the club’s recipients for the residential award, while the Havana Police Department will be the commercial recipient.

Bill and Nancy Johnson were selected after Garden Club members drove past the couple’s yard and reflected on the immaculate beauty of the Johnson’s well-kept lawn.

Six years ago, the Johnsons moved to Havana from Bradenton, Florida, and have since spent their free-time learning to garden in the North Florida climate.

According to Nancy, her husband is the primary gardener in the family, but she is often alongside him, helping by pulling weeds and cleaning the beautiful flower beds.

The August’s Commercial Yard of the Month is the Havana Police Department. The station’s front garden is now populated by gorgeous hydrangeas and roses after one of the station’s officers undertook the task of beautification.

The Commercial Yard of the Month belongs to the Havana Police Department, who have recently refreshed the flower gardens planted along the front of the department’s office.

A few months ago, Havana Police Chief Tracy Smith noticed that all of the plants around the office had been pulled up. Officer Brian Small assured Chief Smith that he had a plan to restore the station’s front garden, and asked Havana’s May Nursery to donate new plants to the police department.

Thanks to the nursery, and with planting help from Sergeant Kenny Lewis, Officer Small was able to transform the police station into a beautiful sight for visitors of downtown Havana. Now, the station is blooming with hydrangeas and roses – and the Garden Club’s Yard of the Month Committee suggests locals stop in and view the delightful police station garden.

The Havana Garden Club’s Yard of the Month committee appreciates all the nominations and are attempting to look into every yard that has been nominated.

Any yard in the 32333 zip code is eligible. To nominate your neighbor or yourself, please call Dianne Croley and (850) 539-8191.

Ashley Hunter