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Havana releases annual water quality report

The Town of Havana recently released its annual drinking water quality report for the year of 2017.

The Havana Water System recently released a statement and said the pur- pose of the water quality report is to provide information on the town’s water supply.

“We want you to understand the ef- forts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources,” Havana Water System stated.

The report details observations from January 1 to December 31 of the year 2017. It contains a chart that measures various contaminants and their levels.

Those who have questions about the report are advised to contact David Vause at (850) 539-2820.

Citizens also are encouraged to attend Town of Havana Council meetings at 6 p.m. every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Trippe Municipal Building (711 N. Main Street).

For more details about this water quality report, see the full report on the Town of Havana’s website.

Words By: Chazre Hill