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Letter to the Editor: Gadsden emergency room saved my life


On Friday, June 1, 2018, I had the unfortunate opportunity to require the services of our local emergency room here in Gadsden County. I experienced a massive heart attack and had it not been for my wife Barbara and the Capital Regional Medical Center, Gadsden Campus Emergency Room, I would not be here now.

Now recuperating nicely, I recall that several years ago there was quite a bit of controversy over whether we should have a local facility with an emergency room and whether the expense of such services should not be borne by the public. That debate can be settled instantly if you or your loved ones are restored to life and health there.

Fortunately, the Hospital Committee at the time went to great lengths to provide the area with the best possible service and I am here today as a testament of their foresight. I received the very best of care and was treated with the most courteous staff while being transferred to Capital Regional Medical Center in Tallahassee.

There, the cardiologist, Dr. Pandit was waiting at the ER door and personally carried me directly to the operating room and inserted three stints that saved me. I can never say “Thank You” enough for the service and care I received from the Quincy Facility and the CRMC in Tallahassee and I am so very proud we have the Gadsden Campus Emergency Room here in Quincy.

I am also humbled by the many hundreds of Facebook connections and phone calls that I have received from our community and have been privileged to have lived here and worked in one of the best professions in our community.

As a young man, community leaders such as Mr. Ned Hinson instilled in me and many others here the need to get involved in our community and help make it a great place to live. He always said, “The Community will take care of you if you put forth that extra effort to make it the best place for all its people.”

Only now, over a half century later and with a healing heart full of gratitude, do I realize the full impact of those words.

Charles McClellan
Quincy, Fla.