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Letter to the Editor, May 24, 2018

Editor: This letter is for the individual(s) who has objected to the Rifle Raffle sponsored by the American Legion Post 84 and Unit 84 of Havana, FL. I will not be critical of your opinion because you have a right to your opinion and that was secured by Veterans, members of the American Legion and many other Veterans Service organizations. Many Veterans gave their life so that you and every other citizen of the United States would have that freedom and many other rights. But, you do not have the right to destroy our poster and interfere with our rights that we have earned through our sacrifices that our and your Brothers and Sisters have made. I would be more than happy to discuss this in an open forum. The proceeds from the Rifle Raffle will be used to support the American Legion Family 84 of Havana project Affordable Housing for Veterans. I am sure you would support that Project by donating ​ to the Post instead of buying a ticket, what do you say? Look forward to hearing from you.

James Brennan