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Mother’s Day Sip and Stroll held around the courthouse square in Quincy

On Tuesday, May 7 th , the 2024 Mother’s Day Sip and Stroll was held in Downtown Quincy. The local liquid-tasting event is the latest in a series of themed Sip and Strolls held in the Historic District. Highlighting local businesses and bringing attention to their future and upcoming events, it was hosted by Quincy Main Street.

The event was spearheaded through the efforts of Lorene Kitzmiller, Executive Director, and Joshua Kever, Director of Administration. All businesses around the square were contacted in order to arrange the proceedings for the sip and stroll, which began at 5 p.m. as the day languished into a warm evening. Many of the local venues hosted various wines, sangrias, spirits, and a few homemade drinks to supplement the event’s theme. Soft

drinks, fine-quality water, and local brews of all sorts were served.

“This is such a good and fun time,” said Beth Padgett of Padgett Jewelers. “We were placed firstly on the list for the Mother’s Day Sip and Stroll, and we are thankful for that. We love being involved with anything Quincy. We want to see Quincy succeed.

Padgett Jewelers is often recognized as one of the more iconic Quincy businesses, and its long-standing

stature has left it with deep ties to the Gadsden Community.

“For this event in particular, we had a 50 percent sale on our Sterling Silver Jewelry. We are hoping, as well, to inform the local populus,and make these events bigger and better…” Padgett spoke to the growing influence of social media in communicating Gadsden functions. As she stated, more than a few of the event attendees mentioned they had seen the event’s poster on Facebook.

Jennifer LaCognata, of Bantam Bay & Company, who often hosts the Quincy Farmer’s Markets and assists in the general organization of events said, “I am excited, even just to be helping host the sip and stroll. We are glad to be a place to go, if only just to fraternize. I see this event as a win-win, for the community and for us and our family,” she said. Mrs. LaCognata again expressed sympathy for helping to host the event as a mother herself.

“My son, Nicholas, is soon-to-be married; we will be heading to Argentina for the bridal ceremony. This local event, too, came as a blessing as we received recommendations on what to do, what to see, and where to visit.”

The recently opened Bwembya’s Market came as a comfortable stop during the stroll, as along with sipping on uncountable types of java, there was a beautiful opportunity to simply sit and paint.

“Most of all, I appreciate the wonderful connection events such as these enable in the Gadsden Community,” said Kena Bwembya, who co-owns Bwembya’s Market with her husband Charles.

“If you want to relax, we have here both coffee and wine. We are amazed to be here and assist.”

Many of Quincy’s residents found themselves stopping by to express their inner artistic inclinations. Drinks were shared while surrounded by collections of Zambian paintings, rich Afro-décor, and other African artworks.

Additionally, the Gadsden Arts Center and Museum was open for the event and was available to enter free of charge. Served there during the Stroll were bottles of vintage wine.

“We are gratefully happy to partner with Quincy Main Street, whenever possible for it is great. It is nice to see people, new people, and have them come in to see the local art shows,” said Grace Robinson, Director.

Five complete sections of art were exhibited: downstairs were included paintings from Thorton Dial, Sr. and the projects of Members of the Teen Art Council of 2023-2024. Upstairs, artworks held were those of Gadsden Artist Guild, beloved Pop Art painter David Hockney, and the FSU Bite From The Apple BFA Show, the lattermost including internationally acclaimed Tallahassee artists such as Andy Marlowe, Nicolina Morra,

and Cass Yao.

Lastly, Ashley Clark of Otterly’s Southern Boutique held a few grateful words for her brand new business.

“As the newest shop on the square – this is my third day open, haha – it feels wonderful to be a part of something burgeoning. I want to bring a positive energy to Quincy, and I’d love to be one of the local merchants that people meet. I have met other business owners during sip and strolls during my times as a resident, and all of them, it seemed, were part of one big, large, friendly family-like community, and I am hopeful to be a part of that,” said Clark.

The recent opening of Otterly’s Southern – her beauty shop and salon – is one of, according to her, her biggest life ventures. A Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held in May, and Grand Opening on May 11, which was the day after with many attending.

Other businesses that were open during the Mother’s Day Sip and Stroll included Sweet Abayomi, Q Dogs, What Kind of Cupcakey, The Monterrey Cigar Social, and LR’s Sports Bar.

The Mother’s Day Sip and Stroll event ended around 7 p.m.

Rubén Darío Uribe – Gadsden County News Service