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Munroe ushers in honor board and code

On February 9, the Robert F. Munroe Day School in Quincy unveiled the new honor code signed by the members of the 2018-19 honor board.

The presentation came during the weekly Friday morning Upper School assembly.

The Munroe Honor Code is a clear guide of expectations for all Munroe students to follow not just on campus, but in their homes and community at all times.

The honor board is comprised of 13 Munroe students who will be in the Upper School next year who have been diligently working together with Adam Gaffey, head of school, and Nathan Stevens, school guidance counselor, to develop the Munroe Honor Code.

The Munroe Honor Code states: “Munroe strives to educate its students in more than just academics. We believe that students should strive to understand and live by standards based on good character, honor and integrity. Further, we believe that this is essentially a matter of attitude more than a set of rules. Decent, self-respecting behavior must be based on personal integrity and real concern for others and on ethical principles that form our society.

“The Munroe community should seek to act and live in a respectful, trustworthy manner that will further the best interests of their school, their sporting teams and their clubs. They should also act as positive, contributing members of society, seeking common good and not simply personal gain. They should respect and honor the rights of others, accept diversity in their school and community, and conduct themselves always in a moral and decent manner while at Munroe and at all times.”

The 2018-19 Munroe Honor Board is (with next year’s grades): Emily Anderson (12th grade), Zoe Bergman (9th), Xavier Gray (10th), Amber Jenkins (11th), Alessa Kononova (12th), Pierce Lashley (11th), Bella McDaniel (10th), Zaid Mohammed (9th), Savannah Parker (11th), Max Reinhard (12th), Brett Robbins (9th), Brooke Smith (10th) and Michael Starling (12th).