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Superheroes come to Havana – Heroes & Villains Nutrition Club make health habits taste sweet with superhero-themed

One of the newest shops to open its doors in downtown Havana is Heroes & Villains Nutrition.

Owned by Dawana May and Trent Ingram, the couple run the shop with the occasional aid of their two sons and daughter.

The Heroes & Villains Ingram family. Pictured, from left to right: Gage, Dawana May, Trent, and Emory.

From the moment one steps foot into Heroes & Villains, the origin of the name becomes clear – full length paintings of Marvel and DC superheroes adorn the walls; behind the register, Wonder Woman takes a fighting stance; and behind the bar, a TV plays a constant flow of superhero-themed movies and shows.

But it is no mystical superpower from another planet that keeps the Ingram family fueled – it’s the teas and shakes that May Ingram whips up behind the bar.

The Heroes & Villains Nutrition Club carries and sells Herbalife products – meal-replacement shakes that ‘taste like dessert’ and teas that give energy and focus ‘without the crash’, May Ingram says.

While Herbalife is a global multi-level company, May and Trent Ingram have made this shop their own – aside from the superhero decor, there are jars of sweet additions that can be added to the health-shakes, and each item on the menu carries a super-flaired name.

Like the fan-favorite “Bucky Barnes” shake, which May Ingram says is a fast-seller at Heroes & Villains.

“It’s a chocolate-peanut butter shake – it tastes just like a peanut butter cup,” she adds.

The other fan-favorites have similarly fun names: The Batman, The Red Skull, and The Supergirl.

“There are so many favorites,” said Ingram – and each of them comes with a name pulled straight from the comic books.

Despite the bright colors, fun flavors, and entertaining menu names, each shake and tea carries more than a tasty punch with it – the Ingrams want everyone to know, it’s good for you, too.

Every shake has over 20 vitamins and minerals, is packed with protein, and is sweetened with stevia.

“They are also low-glycemic. People with diabetes can drink our shakes, because there are only 9 grams of sugar,” said May Ingram.

May and Trent Ingram aren’t just peddling a product – they’ve both seen the benefits of their health products firsthand in the lives of their loved ones, as well as their own lives.

May Ingram originally heard of Herbalife products through her father, who was using the products for weight loss.

It wouldn’t be until she experienced her own health issues that Dawana May Ingram turned to Herbalife for herself.

“I’ve always had general digestive issues, constant nausea, and pain. I was always very sensitive to everything I ate,” said Ingram. “I started using it…and it really changed my eating abilities. It changed my entire outlook on life.”

“Seeing for ourselves how well the products worked made us want to share it with other people,” adds Trent.

“I know there are so many people out there who have problems with digestion and it really sucks to live like that.” said May.

Trent himself has seen the benefits of Herbalife, as he was once a chain-drinker of energy drinks, but instead turned to Herbalife teas as a source of daily energy.

“I was drinking 3-4 energy drinks a day, but I drink the teas now. I get way more energy, with less drinks, and no crash,” he said. “When it wears off, there’s no drain. It’s a clean energy.”

While the teas and shakes are their leading product, Heroes & Villains also carry the products sold by Herbalife, such as hair care items, skin care lotions, and vitamin supplements.

“While shakes and teas are our main focus here, we do have a catalog of items and if we don’t have it in store, I can order it for you,” said May Ingram. “We have supplements for almost everything. We have supplements that help with blood pressure, we have supplements that help with joints, and we have supplements that help with menopause.”

“There are so many health options from Herbalife – we couldn’t possibly carry it all in store,” said Trent Ingram. “There’s really something for everyone, even if you aren’t interested in teas and shakes.” 

But you don’t have to be interested in health alternatives to stop into Heroes & Villains – even if you are just looking for something fun to drink, a shake to sip on, or a hang-out that’s hero-themed, the shop is open to all customers.

“ [Clubs] is what Herbalife calls all of the stores and shops that carry Herbal Life products,” said May Ingram – and a clubhouse is exactly the vibe the Havana shop is going for.

“You can come in, you can hang out, you can use the internet…that’s what makes us different from another shop,” said Trent Ingram. “We are sort of like a clubhouse. We are a hang-out spot.”

“We aren’t like other places that say you have to come in, buy your stuff, then leave…you don’t have to do that. You can hang around. This is a chill place,” May adds.

Originally, Heroes & Villains opened up across from the Ford dealership in Havana – but when an opening on downtown’s 1st Street opened up, the shop took the leap into the bigger and more accessible location.

“It’s been great. Since we’ve moved to this location, it has been amazing,” said May Ingram.

Now located in the heart of downtown Havana, the shop has seen a bustling uptick in interested clients and walk-in customers looking for a shake or tea to go.

“We’ve gotten so much support from everyone around – even other business owners have been supportive,” she adds.

“This is our expansion,” said Trent. “The other place we had was a quarter of the room.”

But looking to the future, the Ingrams want to add more food and snacks, such as parfaits, donuts, cake pops, and waffles – all made with Herbalife products.

Trent says they are also looking to add more seating and create a comfortable, cozy hangout place for local fans of superhero-flicks, fruity teas, and shakes that taste like dessert.

“We look forward to meeting everyone,” said Trent.

Already, superhero movies and shows are playing nonstop in the downtown shop – all they need is folks to come in, grab a tea or shake, and hang out.

Ashley Hunter –