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Team “WordSmitten” wins Literacy Center’s Adult Spelling Bee “FUNd Raiser”

The Literacy Center in Quincy held an adult spelling bee “FUNd raiser” June 2 at the Quincy Music Theatre. Seven teams of three adults competed for two hours for prizes including VISA gift cards and season tickets to the theatre.

In the end, two teams were tied for the top spot – teams WordSmitten (Kate Sullivan, Amy Rook and Mariam Edge) and Dam Fine O’s (Lucy Harris, Cassandra Gross and Cheryl Sattler). The word “pusillanimous” was the tiebreaker.

Team WordsSmitten took the first place prize with team Dam Fine O’s coming in a very close second.

The Quincy Kiwanis Busy Bees (Mary Brock, Laurie Jordan and Beverly Spires) earned third place bragging rights. Other team participants were: The Four Way Testers, The Sparklers (honorable mention for being the best dressed), Still in the Game and The Talking Heads (honorable mention for entertaining us with their “charismatic” personalities).

The Literacy Center also held a raffle for a Cuisinart food processor, which was won by Elizabeth Peterson. The “Rolling Tones” barbershop quartet performed during intermission.

The Literacy Center would like to thank all the volunteers, team spellers, the Rolling Tones, and our sponsors – Quincy Music Theatre, Capital City Bank Group and the Gadsden County Times  – for helping make “the Bee” a smashing success!

Special to The Herald