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Posts published in “Nurse Judy”

Nurse Judy: “Going Bra-less”

Back in the day I was not a women’s libber. I would not have been caught dead at a “Burn the Bra” rally. I was…

Nurse Judy: Who is a dad?

A dad is someone who: • may race to the hospital for an imminent birth, leaving the mom-to-be behind. • is sure he wants a…

Nurse Judy’s Nook: Home Improvement

I have a personality flaw that is driving me crazy. Nurse Judy, my judgmental alter-ego, explodes with laughter at this announcement. She believes I have…

Nurse Judy’s Nook: “The Tooth”

I may have mentioned that I had an abscessed tooth last Thanksgiving. Nurse Judy, my diva alter ego is jumping up and down begging me…